
 Register Online

Register with Sweetness' Fundraising Program and we'll create your custom page!

 Shout from the Rooftops

Share your unique link on your website and social platforms. Get everyone excited for colouring cookie kits!

Earn Profit!

Earn profit on every colouring cookie kit sale that comes through your unique link!
  • Register Online

    Registration is simple. Follow this link to fill out an Initial Inquiry with Sweetness Fundraising and get started! Remember we're always available to answer any questions you may have -
  • Receive your customized landing page & link

    After we have all of your information and you have filled out the Final Registration, we will set you up and create your customized landing page (webpage)! We will also provide you with your unique link that will track the products purchased and calculate your profit! 
  • Hand out Brochures

    We will mail you out paper brochures to hand out to your organization with the online ordering information on there! Your participants can take paper orders if they wish then make a final online order if that's what works for them!
  • Shout from the rooftops!

    We will send you off a graphics kit which includes a variety of graphics and images! Use them to help you promote your fundraiser online, on social, in e-mails or however you choose! Remember - all orders will go through your link and will be automatically attributed to your fundraiser! 
  • Keep on top

    Along the way, you are able to check the status of your fundraiser and see how much you are earning!
  • Show me the money!

    Once your fundraiser is wrapped up, we will calculate your earnings (35% profit!) and send you a cheque. NO more counting money! It's as easy as that.

Inquire Now

Let's partner up! 
Registration is simple.


We answer the most commonly asked questions. 
Answer not there? Contact us! 
We love movies, pizza and a solid pun.
We. Are. Sweetness. 
Fundraising Coordinator
Michelle Lyster

Toll Free: 1-877-590-9522
Phone: 780-800-9522

11486 Winterburn Rd NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5S 2Y3